The men and some women |
The pictures below will take you to information about that person and give you some idea of the kind of information that may be available here. The links below that will take you to an alphabetical list of names currently in our database. You can also use our search facility but please note spelling of names is sometime uncertain. We have more information than is currently available online so if you cannot find what you are looking for it may be worth checking with us. The information recorded here is simply material that we have had time to put online. Names and information are being added weekly. We aim to record something of the objectors' background and their experiences during this turbulent period. Information about most CO is very scarce. We are grateful to members and supporters around the country who are undertaking research that help us produce a more rounded picture of COs experiences. You may be able to help if you have information about a CO or by undertaking research in your locality. If so let us know. We can provide you with simple and comprehensive guidance. Finally we welcome donations, which you can send us by post, phone or online here. If you would like to add a personal note to your relative's file. Contact us here.
The exact number of men who said 'NO' and refused to be conscripted into the 1914 -18 war in Britain is unknown. Most records have been destroyed after the war. Until recently, based on an estimate made in 1922, 16,000 men were thought to have become conscientious objectors. Diligent research in recent years has brought that number close to 20,000 and more men are being uncovered each month. Your help to gather further information could be invaluable. While the names of men who went to to kill and die are carved on monuments around the country little is known about those who believed that war was not inevitable, or those prepared to die to uphold this belief. Help us to make their stand better known. |