the men

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Launched on 15 May 2015 this is a project which may never be completed. Recording the names of men who said no to war almost 100 years ago is no easy task. We are adding information and names regularly. If a name does not appear in the list below let us know.
Your support by helping us increase, update or correct information is welcome and can easily be made via this form.
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Note about names. We gather information from a variety of sources. Inconsistencies in names in old records or letters frequently occur. Variants which may or may not apply to the family name are included until resolved.

We will be pleased to add a personal message from relatives to a COs page. Details here.

H _ lett John Richard
Haab R. E.
Habson Harry
Hackett Ewart U. A.
Hadden S. E.
Haddock Albert
Haddrell George
Hadfield J.
Hadfield William
Hadgraft F. M.
Hadin George Henry
Hadland Herbert Edwin
Hadley Arthur
Hagard Harold
Hagg Arthur Thomas
Haggas J. W.
Haggis S. J.
Haig A.
Haig A. T.
Haigh Charles Mawson
Haigh J.
Haigh J.
Haigh J. C.
Haigh S. C.
Haigh Thomas Cook
Hailstone Herbert
Hailstone James Drummond A.
Haines David Pritchard
Haines F.
Haines James
Haines T. P.
Haines Thomas Price
Haines W. B.
Haines William
Hainsworth E.
Hainsworth Gilbert
Hainsworth Sydney
Halcrow Robert Duncan
Hale A. T.
Hale Edmund Henry
Hale Frederick
Haley Harold
Halford John William
Halfpenny Frederick William
Hall A. K.
Hall Albert
Hall Alfred C. P.
Hall Arthur
Hall C. E.
Hall Charles Albert
Hall Clarence
Hall Clifford C.
Hall Crosby Maddison
Hall David Stanley
Hall Douglas Oliver
Hall Edmund
Hall F. J.
Hall G. F.
Hall G. W.
Hall Harold Arthur
Hall Henry
Hall Horace V.
Hall Isaac
Hall J.
Hall J. P.
Hall James
Hall James Viner Ockford
Hall John
Hall John Edward
Hall John Huber
Hall John Nelson
Hall John Percy
Hall Joseph C.
Hall Joseph Rupert
Hall Leonard
Hall Percy
Hall Philip
Hall Reginald Wiles
Hall Richard Watson
Hall Samuel Charles
Hall Stafford
Hall Stanley
Hall Stephen Ralph Nursey
Hall Thomas John
Hall W.
Hall William Arthur
Hallam D. W.
Hallam F. H.
Hallam Henry
Hallatt Clucas Marrison
Hallatt John Vincent
Hallett Walter George
Hallett William J.
Halliday David
Halliday Francis
Halliday Thomas
Halliwell Fred
Halliwell James
Halliwell William E.
Hallum William
Hallworth Frank
Hallworth Herbert
Hallworth Isaac
Hallworth Joseph
Halsall John R. D.
Halstead Edgar
Halstead Frederick
Halstead George H.
Halstead H.
Halstead Handel
Halstead John W.
Halstead Norman
Halstead Samuel
Halter Clifford
Halton Charles Cecil
Halton James
Halton John William
Halton Samuel
Ham Alfred George
Ham C. E.
Ham Louis
Ham W.
Hamblin Philip Henry
Hamer Joseph Harold
Hamilton A.
Hamilton A. S.
Hamilton James Wardrop
Hamilton John
Hamilton John Alexander King
Hamilton Robert
Hamilton Robert C.
Hamilton T. H.
Hamilton W.
Hamilton William
Hamilton William
Hamlet Samuel
Hamlyn William Henry
Hamment Isaiah William
Hammersley Joseph
Hammond Albert George
Hammond Alexander
Hammond Charles
Hammond Edward Alfred
Hammond Frederick
Hammond G. H.
Hammond Jesse
Hammond John
Hammond John William
Hammond S. M.
Hammond W.
Hammond Wilfred
Hammond William
Hamnett Harry Whitell
Hamney J.
Hampson Leon
Hampson William J.
Hampton Henry William
Hampton Thomas
Hamson J. G.
Hamson Thomas David
Hancock A.
Hancock E. E.
Hancock Frank Rivers
Hancock Fred. W.
Hancock Frederick H.
Hancock J. W.
Hancock Walter Ernest
Hancocks Edward Henry
Hancocks William Edward
Handley Alfred W.
Handley C. M.
Handley David C.
Handley F. B.
Handley James Burrells
Handley Louis Corporal
Handley Robert Tinniswood
Handley S.
Handley Sydney F.
Hands John
Hands P. T.
Hanlyn R. W.
Hann H.
Hannah A. E.
Hannah John Wilson
Hannan Thomas
Hanney Alfred Rainier
Hannington F.
Hannington Jack
Hannon Thomas
Hansford Charles Edgar
Hanslet Harold
Hanson Edward
Hanson Gilbert Alphonse
Hanson S. A.
Haraday H.
Harbage Harry
Harbord Evelyn Wilfred
Harbour Jack
Harburn Benjamin
Harby Edward William
Hardcastle E. R.
Hardcastle Henry Gray
Hardern Geoffrey Dean
Hardern Ivan
Hardern Leonard Rushworth
Hardie George
Harding Charles A.
Harding F. J.
Harding H. C.
Harding Herbert J.
Harding James Benjamin
Harding Percival Davenport
Harding S. H.
Harding Thomas
Harding Victor Henry
Harding William
Harding William T.
Hardingham H. F.
Hardman Clifford
Hardwick A. S.
Hardwick Augustine
Hardwick F. J.
Hardwidge Charles Henry
Hardwidge George
Hardwidge John
Hardwidge Reginald
Hardy Albert
Hardy Arnold Robert
Hardy E.
Hardy F. E.
Hardy Gateshill
Hardy George Frederick
Hardy George James
Hardy H.
Hardy H. W.
Hardy James
Hardy Reginald
Hardy T.
Hardy William Clucas
Hardy William John
Hare Alexander
Hare Edward Woodroffe
Harflett Sidney John
Hargitt Charles Edward
Hargraves Frank Midgeley
Hargreaves Albert
Hargreaves B. A.
Hargreaves F.
Hargreaves Frank
Hargreaves H.
Hargreaves Harry
Hargreaves Henry Ellison
Hargreaves Robert M.
Hargreaves Robert Worswick
Hargreaves S. W.
Hargreaves S. W.
Hargreaves Thomas Hodgson Jordan
Hargreaves W.
Harkaday H.
Harker B.
Harker Bailey
Harkins William Maxwell
Harkness Alex T.
Harland Alexander Duncan
Harle George
Harley William Petrie
Harman H.
Harman Thomas
Harmer William George
Harold Joseph
Harper Albert
Harper Ernest
Harper F. G.
Harper Francis
Harper Fred
Harper Gilbert James
Harper Herbert
Harper J. E.
Harper James Wilson
Harper Josiah
Harper Thomas
Harper W. D.
Harper William
Harper William E.
Harraway F. W. J. or Harroway
Harries W.
Harrild George
Harrington E. A.
Harrington Frederick
Harrington Herbert
Harrington John Arthur
Harrington T.
Harris Abraham
Harris Albert
Harris Alfred George
Harris C. H.
Harris Charles Joseph
Harris Christopher Bernard
Harris Daniel Oliver

Harris David
Harris Edward Sewell
Harris Edwin Henry
Harris Ernest Oliver
Harris Frank Wilsher
Harris G. Rendel
Harris Godfrey Leighton
Harris H.
Harris H. Wilson
Harris Henry Lyn
Harris Herbert John Ormond
Harris Hugh
Harris J. S.
Harris James
Harris John
Harris John
Harris John
Harris John Henry
Harris Joseph Theodore
Harris L. M.
Harris Leonard
Harris Louis Arthur
Harris N. M.
Harris Percy Joseph
Harris R. G.
Harris R. S.
Harris Ralph Frederick
Harris Reginald W.
Harris Robert Ebenezer
Harris Sam Ed.
Harris Sydney T.
Harris Tom
Harris W.
Harris W.
Harris W. E.
Harris W. M.
Harris W. W.
Harris Wentworth
Harris William
Harris William Frederick
Harris William George
Harris William J.
Harris William Thomas
Harris William Usher
Harrison A.
Harrison A. C. H.
Harrison Arthur
Harrison Bertrand Edwin
Harrison C. A.
Harrison Charles Stanhope
Harrison E.
Harrison E. W.
Harrison Ernest
Harrison George
Harrison George
Harrison Harry
Harrison Herbert
Harrison Herbert
Harrison Horace Gilbert
Harrison J. G.
Harrison J. R.
Harrison John
Harrison John G.
Harrison John George
Harrison Joseph Grainger
Harrison Marriott Herbert
Harrison Martin Luther
Harrison Reginald
Harrison Samuel
Harrison Thomas
Harrison Walter
Harrison William
Harrison William
Harrison William
Harrison William C.
Harriss Thomas Percival
Harriss W. M.
Harrop E.
Harrop Joseph Arnold
Harrower Alexander
Harry Aaron
Harry Henry
Harry Isaac Daniel
Harry William
Harse H. W.
Hart A. C.
Hart Alfred Anscombe
Hart George F.
Hart Henry William
Hart Herbert Walter
Hart J. P.
Hart John
Hart W. T.
Hart Walter James Hobkirk
Harthill F. G.
Hartill Ernest Osborne
Hartless J. W.
Hartley A.
Hartley F.
Hartley F.
Hartley Garner
Hartley George E.
Hartley John William
Hartley Michael J.
Hartley R.
Hartley Richard James
Hartley Thomas
Hartley Virgil
Hartnell F. G.
Hartwell Harry Whitlock
Harvey Alec
Harvey Alfred
Harvey Clifford Sidney
Harvey E. C.
Harvey E. W.
Harvey Edwin Frederick
Harvey G. Gordon
Harvey H. C.
Harvey James Anthony
Harvey John
Harvey John Wilfrid
Harvey Philip
Harvey R. N.
Harvey Robert
Harvey S.
Harvey Thomas Edmund
Harvey William
Harvey William F.
Harwood Frank
Harwood John
Harwood Joseph
Harwood Percy John
Harwood William Francis
Haskins Edward George
Haskins Francis Winstanley
Haskins Sydney G.
Haslam Frederick
Haslam J. C.
Haslett W. J.
Hassell Albert E.
Hassell Alonzo Charles
Hasted Harold Llewellyn
Hasthorpe F. G.
Hastings J. D.
Haston Henry
Hatcher Reginald Roy Slade
Hatchman C. H. P. or C. N. P.
Hateley J.
Hatfield Arthur
Hatfield Thomas
Hathaway Ernest A.
Hathaway Howard G. H.
Hatley C.
Hatton A. A.
Hatton Albert
Hatton F. W.
Hatton Richard Robert
Haughton John Arnold
Haughton Joseph
Haughton W. Theodore H.
Havell W. E.
Haward G. L.
Hawes R. S.
Hawker Harry
Hawkes Albert James
Hawkes Henry
Hawkes Hubert William
Hawkes J.
Hawkes John Henry
Hawkes John William
Hawkes Kenneth
Hawkin Richard
Hawkins Alfred Henry
Hawkins Alfred J.
Hawkins Donald E. R.
Hawkins George H. A.
Hawkins Herbert Leader
Hawkins Samuel
Hawkins William Albert
Hawkridge G.S.
Hawley Harry
Haworth J.
Haworth John
Haws Charles Robert
Haxell Walter
Hay Alexander John
Hay Harry
Hay William Orman
Haycock Alexander Wilkinson
Haycock Wallace
Hayden Harold Arthur
Hayden William Henry Lyles
Haydock James
Haydon A.
Hayer Arthur E.
Hayes C.
Hayes Frederick
Hayes George W.
Hayes H. C.
Hayes J. A.
Hayes R. A.
Hayes Rowland H. Q.
Hayes Selwyn Henry Frederick
Hayes Stanley Robert
Hayes Will
Hayes William Thomas
Hayhurst John
Hayler Glen Herbert
Hayler Mark Henry Chambers
Hayler Walter Trevelyan
Haylock George William
Hayman B.
Hayman Eric
Haymes Frank Sedley
Haynes A.*
Haynes Horace Henry
Haynes Thomas Henry
Hayter W.
Hayton Arthur Elgie
Hayton Norman Leslie
Hayward A. J.
Hayward Arthur
Hayward James John
Hayward Thomas Leonard
Hayward William Henry
Haywood J. W.
Hayworth C. H.
Haze Edmund
Hazeltine Norman R. B.
Hazelton Edwin William
Hazelton William Stanley
Hazlehurst James
Head Harold
Headey T. P.
Headle A.
Headley F.
Heaf Frederick Rowland George
Heal A. J.
Heald Ernest
Heald Thomas Dann
Heale Alfred James
Heap Matthew
Heard Arthur
Hearn Arthur
Hearn Ernest Robert
Hearn Roland Timothy Godfrey
Heasell William Egbert
Heasman Cyril
Heasman Frederick William
Heasman George Frederick
Heath Carl
Heath George Thomas
Heath Herbert Spencer
Heath James
Heath Robert William
Heath W.
Heathcote A.
Heathcote J.
Heathfield Cecil Ernest
Heaton Clifford
Heaton F. T.
Heaton J.
Heaton Leonard
Heaviside C. T.
Hebben F. W. H.
Hebbs Goodwin Spire
Hebburn William
Heber Frank
Hebson Henry
Heckman Percy George
Hector George
Heddle Arnold
Heddle Oscar
Hedge Albert
Hedger G. Arthur W
Hedges A.
Hedges Charles
Hedges F. C.
Hedges F. C.
Heeley John Franklin
Heeley S.
Hefford George
Heggie David Cairns
Heide John Henry
Heim Cecil C.
Heinzen William
Heis Henry
Heley Frank C.
Heller Jacob Joseph
Hellier Oliver Frederick
Helliwell Dan
Helliwell R. A.
Helme James Crichton
Helme William Norman
Helsby Arthur
Helsby John
Hemingray Charles
Hemingray Frederick
Hemingray William
Hemingway Frederick
Hemming Reginald James
Hemmings Edward James
Hemmings Joy

Hemmington Arthur William
Hempridge G. S.
Henbrey F. W.
Hence Job
Henchliffe Charles W.
Henderson Alexander
Henderson Alexander Robert Rennie
Henderson Andrew
Henderson Arthur
Henderson Arthur James
Henderson C. B.
Henderson C. J.
Henderson C. S.
Henderson Christopher
Henderson D.
Henderson David
Henderson Ernest Andrew
Henderson George
Henderson George
Henderson George William
Henderson George
Henderson Henry Willie Caird
Henderson J.
Henderson J.
Henderson J. B.
Henderson James
Henderson James
Henderson James
Henderson James Ritchie
Henderson John
Henderson John B.
Henderson Peter Thomson
Henderson R. A.
Henderson W.
Henderson William
Hendey W. F.
Hendley Martin Luther
Hendry Benjamin
Hendry W.
Henry Andrew
Henry George E.
Henry J. G.
Henry Robert McGraw
Henry S. A.
Henwood Albert E.
Henzell Michael Dodds
Hepton Albert Austin
Hepworth George Edmund
Herbert Dorian
Herbert Ernest
Herbert George
Herbert Horace
Herbert J. T.
Herbert John H.
Herbert R.
Herbert Taylor
Herbert W.
Herbert W. I.
Herd Henry
Herd William Melville
Hermanson William
Hernon Patrick
Heron Fred
Heron H.
Herring W. E.
Hersey John Cronin
Hertzenberg H.
Hesford Isaac
Hesketh Samuel
Heskett Albert Ernest
Heskett Herbert James
Heslop T. N.
Hetherington J.
Hetherington Robert
Heumann Lionel
Heuoliczeh T. A.
Hewart Walter
Hewetson Terrence George
Hewett Harold Cornelius
Hewines Frank
Hewinson Arthur James
Hewinson Monty
Hewitt A.
Hewitt A. A.
Hewitt Albert
Hewitt Albert T. M.
Hewitt Charles
Hewitt Frederick
Hewitt Raymonde A.
Hewitt Thomas D.
Hewitt Thomas Herbert
Hewitt W.
Hewlett E. F. C.
Hewley Robert Charles
Hextall H. E.
Hey Albert
Heys Hamer
Heys Richard
Heywood J.
Heyworth Ernest
Heyworth J. W.
Hibbitt Henry Spencer
Hibble George William
Hibbs Alfred Leonard
Hickey Henry George
Hickin P.
Hicklin J. Herbert
Hickling E. A.
Hickling J.
Hickling Joseph
Hickling Joseph
Hickman C. H. D.
Hickman Ernest J.
Hickman Frank
Hickman John Edward
Hicks Charles
Hicks Charles Cuthbert
Hicks Francis H. P.
Hicks Geoffrey Edward
Hicks John Anthony
Hicks Joseph
Hicks Pethick
Hicks Reginald Lewis Richard
Hickson George E.
Hief F. R. G.
Higginbottom George
Higgins A. G.
Higgins Frank
Higgins Frederick
Higgins H. A.
Higgins Herbert
Higgins Thomas Henry
Higgins William
Higginson Herbert Harold
Higgs A. G.
Higgs James
Higgs T.
Higgs William
Higgs William H.
High Stafford William
Higham W.
Highley Hector
Higson J. E.
Hildreth Bernard
Hiley John
Hill A.
Hill A. E.
Hill A. H.
Hill A. J.
Hill A. J.
Hill A. W.
Hill Albert
Hill Alfred Nicholas
Hill Edgar Walford
Hill Edward Falkner
Hill Ernest
Hill Ernest Edward
Hill F.
Hill F.
Hill F. E. J.
Hill Frank
Hill George
Hill George
Hill George Alfred
Hill Harry
Hill Henry
Hill J.
Hill J.
Hill J. E.
Hill J. W. or F. W.
Hill James
Hill John
Hill John Ernest Gilbert
Hill John William
Hill John William
Hill Joseph George
Hill Louis Rowland
Hill N. C.
Hill Percival
Hill Richard John
Hill Robert
Hill Rowland
Hill Rowland
Hill Thomas Rowland
Hill Vernon Charles
Hill W. H.
Hill Walter
Hill Walter L.
Hill William E.
Hilliard Walter Ernest
Hillier O. F.
Hilling J.
Hilling Percy
Hillman Ernest
Hills A. G.
Hills Arnold Herbert Edward
Hills C. W. K.
Hills Charles Hollinshead
Hills Charles R.
Hills Frederick Arthur
Hills Hubert
Hills J.
Hills William Dunlop
Hillyard Harry Aaron
Hime J. T.
Hinchcliffe John Thomas
Hinchliff John Elliott
Hinchliffe Kenny
Hind John William
Hind R. W.
Hinde Eric Clark
Hinde John Dickinson
Hinde Wilfrid George
Hindes Charles
Hindle Frederick
Hindle James Henry
Hindle John
Hindley Norman Stewart
Hindmoore W.
Hine G. A.
Hine J. T.
Hine John Henry
Hines R. R.
Hines Sidney George
Hinkley W. F.
Hinks Tom R.
Hinksman Herbert Allan
Hinsley W. T.
Hinton A. C.
Hinton Albert Henry
Hinton C. J.
Hinton C. W.
Hinton James Frederick
Hinton John Charles Frederick
Hinton Jonathan
Hinton Samuel John
Hipkin Charles Gerald Murnane
Hipkin Frederick George
Hipsley Frederic William
Hipwood Francis
Hird A.
Hirst Arthur
Hirst B.
Hirst F.
Hirst Frank
Hirst Herbert Varley
Hirst J.
Hirst Joseph Gregson
Hirst Reginald Gordon
Hirst Robert Hewson
Hirst Wilfred
Hiscox Joseph
Hiscox R. T.
Hislop A.
Hislop David Thomas
Hislop James Jeffrey
Hitchen Fred
Hitchen William Henry
Hitchie John
Hitchin Harold
Hitchings G.
Hitchman Arthur Willie
Hitzlberger Charles C.
Hoad Harold
Hoad William
Hoare Albert J.
Hoare Albert James
Hoare F. R.
Hoare Joseph Edward
Hoare Russell
Hobart Archie Victor
Hobart Cecil Arthur
Hobart F. G.
Hobart Herbert Duncan
Hobbis H. E.
Hobbs C. H.
Hobbs Ernest E.
Hobbs Evelyn Ewart
Hobbs Frank William
Hobbs Horace James
Hobbs W.
Hobby James
Hobden Albert George
Hobhouse H.
Hobhouse Stephen Henry
Hobson A. S.
Hobson Frederick
Hockaday Harold
Hockaday Percy
Hockenhull Robert Cecil
Hockley Ernest
Hockley William
Hodby Arthur Frank
Hodden W. J.
Hodge Alfred Colston
Hodge C. V.
Hodge Charles Henry
Hodge E. W.
Hodge John
Hodge William
Hodges Arthur F.
Hodges P. C.
Hodgetts J.
Hodgetts Jesse
Hodgetts P.
Hodgkin Andrew John
Hodgkin George Lloyd
Hodgkin Henry T.
Hodgkin Jonathan Edward
Hodgkin Ronald
Hodgkinson C.
Hodgkiss Alfred James
Hodgkiss Edward Frank
Hodgson Jack/Jock
Hodgson Arthur
Hodgson Charles Edward
Hodgson Frank E.
Hodgson Fred S.
Hodgson Harold
Hodgson Harry George
Hodgson Henry
Hodgson J. A.
Hodgson J. H.
Hodgson John
Hodgson Joseph Lupton Smith
Hodgson Percy
Hodgson Richard Marsden
Hodgson Stanley
Hodgson W. E.
Hodgson W. E.
Hodkinson James Allen
Hodkinson William
Hodson Arthur
Hodson George William
Hodson H. R.
Hodson J. W. or Hodgson
Hodson James
Hoer Arthur Bryant
Hoffman Joseph William
Hoffman Max
Hogarth H.
Hogben Barnard Tunbridge
Hogben George Hamilton
Hogben Lancelot Thomas
Hogden William
Hogg A.
Hogg Arthur Thomas
Hogg C. J.
Hogg I. L.
Hogg Leonard Bowness
Hogg Peter
Hogg R. T. J.
Hogg Thomas
Hogg Wilfred Thomas
Hogwood Edwin
Hohnrodt Walter Charles
Holcombe H. E.
Holden Charles Albert
Holden Donald Bradlaugh
Holden Herbert Joseph
Holden Herbert Vincent
Holden James Henry
Holden James
Holden Leslie James
Holden Moses
Holden Walter
Holder Robert
Holdich White
Holding Henry Alfred
Holdstock F.
Holdsworth James Oliver
Holland Alfred George
Holland Allan
Holland Clarence Ernest
Holland J.
Holland J. H.
Holland John
Holland John Harrison
Holland Rupert
Holland William A.
Holland William Mark
Hollands Arthur Oliver
Hollands Gerald Baker
Holliday William
Hollings A.
Hollings Ernest
Hollingsworth Edward A.
Hollingsworth Samuel
Hollington Cecil Arthur
Hollington G.
Hollis Alexander William
Hollis James
Hollis John Charles
Hollis William E.
Hollister W.
Holloway Arthur George
Holloway Charles
Holloway Charles Edward
Holloway Harry
Holloway Maurice
Holloway Richard Thomas
Holloway William Henry
Holman P.
Holmes A.
Holmes A. B.
Holmes Alan
Holmes Albert
Holmes Albert William
Holmes Alfred
Holmes Arthur
Holmes Arthur
Holmes Bernard
Holmes Bertie Reginald
Holmes Cedric
Holmes Charles Ellwood
Holmes Edward
Holmes Edward
Holmes Ernest
Holmes Ernest W.
Holmes F.
Holmes G.
Holmes George
Holmes George William
Holmes H
Holmes Harold
Holmes Harry Daniel
Holmes Henry
Holmes Ivon
Holmes James
Holmes James D.
Holmes John Henry
Holmes Joseph
Holmes Joseph
Holmes Leslie James
Holmes Robert
Holmes Sidney George
Holmes W. E.
Holmes W. J.
Holmes Walter M.
Holmes William
Holmes William Geo.Talbot
Holmes William George
Holness Albert
Holness William
Holroyd F.
Holroyd Joe
Holroyd Thomas H.
Holt Alfred
Holt E. N.
Holt Granville
Holt H.
Holt H.
Holt Herbert
Holt Joseph
Holt R. J.
Holt R. V.
Holt T. E.
Holton William Henry
Holttum Harold Bradley
Holttum Richard E.
Holvey Fred
Homan William James
Home Frank
Home P. L.
Homes F. S.
Honeywood Charles
Honick Fred A.
Honnor F. J.
Honnor R.
Hood R. J.
Hood Samuel
Hook Frederick Samuel
Hook T.
Hooker Alfred George
Hooker Ernest C.
Hooker Samuel Arthur
Hookey or 'Hooker' W. J.
Hookey S. G.
Hooper Albert George
Hooper Elstan Tworte D'Aute
Hooper R.
Hooper R. T.
Hooper Reg
Hooper W. C.
Hope Gill Charles William
Hope Frank
Hope J.
Hope T.
Hopkins Alfred Ernest
Hopkins Cyril Griffin
Hopkins G. W.
Hopkins Ivor
Hopkins J. J.
Hopkins Oliver S.
Hopkins R.
Hopkins Ray C.
Hopkins Ronald B.
Hopkins S. E.
Hopkins Thomas
Hopkins Thomas W.
Hopkins William
Hopkins William Edward
Hopkins William Henry
Hopkinson Claude John
Hopkinson George
Hopkinson Richard Howarth
Hopkinson William
Hopper Alfred J.
Hopper B. C.
Hopper Edwin G.
Hopper Frank
Hopper William Ewart
Hopper William R.
Hopton S. H.
Hopwood Edwin
Horell H. J.
Horler Seward
Horley W.
Horn John A.
Horne A. E.
Horne Alfred W.
Horne Charles Percy
Horne G. Egerton
Horne Herbert
Horne Peter John
Horne R. C.
Horne Rice Thomas Hopkinson
Horne Robert Gibson
Horne William Charles Percy
Horne William H. D.
Horner Arthur L.
Horner Bryan
Horner Edward Holmes
Horner Ernest
Horner F. G.
Horner G. P.
Horner G. T.
Horner George Percy
Horner Herbert Henry
Horner Leonard Wiseman
Horner Michael T.
Horner P.
Horner Percy
Horner Wilfred
Horniman Robert H.
Hornsby John Reginald
Hornsby Sidney
Hornsby Thomas Vincent
Horobin George William
Horsefield Douglas F.
Horseman W. K.
Horsfall Alfred
Horsfall Edgar
Horsfall Frank
Horsley George W.
Horsley Reginald
Horsley S. R.
Horsley W. F.
Horsnaill Alfred Henry
Horsnaill H. L.
Horsnaill Headley
Horsnell Jesse
Horspool Herbert Alexander
Horton Arthur
Horton Arthur
Horton Ernest Edward
Horton George
Horton H.
Horton Herbert
Horton Herbert W.
Horton Hubert
Horton J.
Horton Percy Frederick
Horwill George E.
Horwill Harry
Horwill Thomas
Horwitch Harry
Horwood Harry F W
Hosegood Gilbert
Hosking Frank
Hosking S.
Hoskins Frank
Hoskins Samuel
Houchen F. G.
Hough Francis William
Hough Robert
Houghton Albert R.
Houghton Alfred
Houghton F. W.
Houghton J. L.
Houghton James
Housden Arthur L.
Housden John William
House John
House L. R.
House Walter William
Household William Scott
Housley Walter R.
Housley Wilfrid
Houston C.
Houston James B.
Houston William
Hovell Henry John
Hovell Robert W.
Hoverd William George
Hovett C. V.
Howard Basil Alvin
Howard Cecil W.
Howard Cyril Clayton
Howard Ernest
Howard Ernest
Howard F.
Howard Francis Morton
Howard Frank
Howard Frank Ernest
Howard G. H.
Howard George E.
Howard George Robert
Howard H. G.
Howard Harold
Howard Henry
Howard Horace Douglas
Howard J.
Howard James
Howard John
Howard Leonard Thomas
Howard S.
Howard S.
Howard Sidney
Howard Thomas
Howarth Bertie
Howarth Charles W.
Howarth Edmund
Howarth Ernest
Howarth Fred
Howarth J. F.
Howarth W. C. or W. O.
Howarth William Henry
Howarth Willie
Howcroft William
Howden Frederick
Howdle Harold John
Howe Charles Robert
Howe George P.
Howe J.
Howe James Montague
Howe John
Howe Robert W.
Howe Seth
Howell Denis Ewart
Howell E.
Howell William
Howells F.
Howells Howard
Howells William
Howells William J.
Howes Ernest Silas
Howes Frank Stewart
Howes Harold
Howes John
Howes Sydney C.
Howett Harold C.
Howitt J. C.
Howitt Thomas H.
Howkins Ernest Henry
Howlett Percy F.
Howlett Philip Guy
Howorth Thomas
Howson J. L.
Howson J.
Howson Louis
Howson W. G.
Hoy Edward
Hoy William Herbert
Hoyes T.
Hoyland Geoffrey
Hoyle A.
Hoyle F.
Hoyle Frank
Hoyle Frederick
Hoyle J.
Hoyles H. S.
Hubbard L.
Hubbard Leonard
Hubbert Frank
Hucker Edwin Joseph Charles
Huckle Arthur Evendon
Hudson Alfred J.
Hudson Arthur J.
Hudson Benjamin Alick
Hudson C. E.
Hudson Ernest
Hudson Frederick
Hudson G. J. A.
Hudson Henry
Hudson J.
Hudson James Hindle
Hudson John William
Hudson T.
Hudson Thomas William
Hudson W. H.
Hudson William Ashby
Huggett Frank Edwin
Huggins Archibald
Huggins Arthur
Hughes A. S. C.
Hughes Alfred Pryce
Hughes D.
Hughes E.
Hughes Emrys
Hughes Evan
Hughes Evan Tecwyn
Hughes Frank
Hughes Harold
Hughes Harold Harcourt
Hughes Harold Oliver
Hughes Harry
Hughes Ieuan Peter
Hughes J.
Hughes J. D. I.
Hughes John
Hughes Joseph Clifford
Hughes K. E.
Hughes Leonard
Hughes Llywellyn
Hughes Owen Tudor
Hughes Patrick
Hughes Reginald Victor
Hughes Roland Smith
Hughes Samuel
Hughes Stanley Arthur
Hughes Stanley Lumley
Hughes Thomas Henry
Hughes Thomas John
Hughes W.
Hughes W. R.
Hughes W. R.
Hughes W. Y.
Hughes Walter
Hughes William James
Hughes William John
Hughes William L.
Hughesdon Albert Sydney
Hughesdon John Walter
Huish W.
Huitt Alfred Charles
Huitt George Coombs
Huitt Thomas Herbert
Hulbert Alfred Ernest
Hulbert Frank
Hulin W.
Hull Bert
Hull Horace Victor
Hull John Temple
Hull Lawrence Cyril
Hulme Philip
Hulse J.
Hulse John
Hulton A.
Hum S. Arthur
Humberstone Leslie John
Hume George Douglas
Humpage Joseph E.
Humpherson Walter E.
Humphrey Alfred
Humphrey Cecil Vaughan
Humphrey Charles Frederick
Humphrey Edward
Humphrey Frederick
Humphrey J.
Humphreys Arthur
Humphreys Edward
Humphreys Harold Edward
Humphreys John
Humphreys Owen
Humphreys Percy Cooper
Humphries Arthur John
Humphries Charles F.
Humphris A.
Humphris William James
Hunt B.
Hunt Ben
Hunt C. J.
Hunt Charles
Hunt E. L.
Hunt Ernest
Hunt G. A.
Hunt G. O.
Hunt George
Hunt H.
Hunt Herbert William
Hunt John
Hunt John
Hunt John
Hunt John
Hunt M. A.
Hunt S. H.
Hunt Sidney H.
Hunt Sidney Howard
Hunt Thomas William Henry
Hunter Alexander
Hunter Alexander
Hunter Arthur
Hunter Charles
Hunter Eric
Hunter Ernest
Hunter Ernest E.
Hunter Ernest Edwin
Hunter Frederick
Hunter Frederick W. C.
Hunter James
Hunter James
Hunter James Cameron
Hunter John
Hunter John Alfred Allen
Hunter Matthew
Hunter Ralph Butler
Hurley Francis Edward
Hurley William
Hurrell Arthur George
Hurrell W. S.
Hurst A.
Hurst Albert H. J.
Hurst Harold Marshall
Hurst Walter
Hurwill George
Hurworth Robert Bradbury
Husband John Walker
Huson Arthur
Hustler Henry William
Hustwait Harry Edgar
Hustwayte Cecil
Husworth R. B.
Hutcheon Donald J.
Hutcheon W.
Hutcheson John
Hutchings F.
Hutchings George Harry
Hutchings Harold F.
Hutchins C. E.
Hutchins Sidney John
Hutchins Thomas
Hutchins Wilfred Bernard
Hutchinson Conrad
Hutchinson D.
Hutchinson Frank
Hutchinson George
Hutchinson George Woods
Hutchinson Herbert Procter
Hutchinson Hugh
Hutchinson Jonathan
Hutchinson Maurice Seymer
Hutchinson R.
Hutchinson R.
Hutchinson R.
Hutchinson Walter Thomas
Hutchinson William
Hutchinson Zephaniah
Hutchison R. Bruce
Hutson T. W.
Hutton Alfred
Hutton Ronald McDonald
Hutton Samuel
Hutton Wilfred
Huxley William G.
Huxstep Daniel
Huybers A. E.
Hyams Harry Solly
Hyams Henry B.
Hyams Isidore
Hyams Jack
Hyams Solomon
Hyde G. Noel
Hyman Barnett
Hynes Patrick Francis
Hyslop Alex
Hyslop Andrew Robert
Hyslop David Wilson