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It is easy to forgerThe Commission seeks to provide value for money and respect the environment in which the cemeteries and memorials are located. In 2010/11, the Commission received over £55 million in funding, provided by the partner governments of the Commonwealth nations who share the cost of the Commission's work proportionately to the number of their graves.

Governments Percentage Contribution
United Kingdom 78.43
Canada 10.07
Australia 6.05
New Zealand 2.14
South Africa 2.11
India 1.20


The CWGC's work is funded predominantly by grants from the governments of the six member states. In the fiscal year 2012/13, these grants amounted to £58.6 million of the organization's £66.5 million of income.[113] This equates to an approximate cost of CA$85 per commemorated war dead.[114] The contribution from each country is proportionate to the number of graves the CWGC maintains on behalf of that country. The percentage of total annual contributions for which each country is responsible is United Kingdom 78.4%, Canada 10.1%, Australia 6.1%, New Zealand 2.1%, South Africa 2.1% and India 1.2%.[115]

 Memorial to Innocent Victims of Oppression, Violence and War. Courtyard of Westminster Abbey. Unveiled 11 October 1996.

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