Refusing to kill, available from the PPU.
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If you are trying to find out about conscientious objectors (COs) in your family or in local history, or are doing a school project or undergraduate dissertation on the topic, or are just interested in finding out more about COs, but have no foundation knowledge or sources, then the following answers to a series of frequently asked questions should help.

Our recent publication Refusing to Kill (shown here on the left) gives a fuller story and is available from us. Here for more details and here for a review.

What is conscientious objection?
Why have people objected?
When has conscientious objection been an issue in Britain?
How many COs have there been in Britain?
What provision has been made for conscientious objectors?
Who implemented these provisions?
How did these provisions work out in practice?
What actually happened to COs?
Is it true that some COs were shot?
What about women COs?
Were there any other kinds of conscription?
Other resources
What organisations were involved with Conscientious Objectors?
Where is more detailed information available?


Peace Pledge Union, 1 Peace Passage, London N7 0BT. Tel +44 (0)20 7424 9444   contact     |   where to find us