Conscientious objection related books
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Conscription and Conscience: A History 1916-1919
Objection Overruled
Challenge of Conscience
Conscience & Politics: The British Government and the Conscientious Objector to Military Service 1916-1919
Troublesome People: Enemies of War 1916-1986
Comrades in Conscience: The story of an English community's opposition to the Great War
Conscience, Government and War
The New Conscientious Objection: From Sacred to Secular Resistance
The Doukhobors
Don't be a Soldier!': The Radical Anti-war Movement in North London 1914-1918
Against the Draft: Essays on Conscientious Objection from the Radical Reformation to the Second World War
These Strange Criminals
We Will Not Cease
The House That Jack Built
Sandbostel Revisited: Letter and reflections on "Two Weeks in May 1945"
Two weeks in May 1945
Refusenik!: Israel's Soldiers of Conscience
We Did Not Fight
Troublesome People: A Re-print of the No-Conscription Fellowship Souvenir
A C.O's War (The life of one English Conscientious Objector during the 1939-1945 war)
Letters of a Prisoner: For Conscience Sake
Weavers and War: A True Story
Bloody Conchie...!"
Youth and Conscription
Conscription: a world survey
War, Conscience and Dissent
Opponents of war, 1917-1918
Human Guinea Pigs
Conscription Conflict
A Question of Conscience
Friends and the War
They love it but leave it: American deserters
Going to Jail: The Political Prisoner
I Will Not Fight: Conscientious Objectors and Pacifists in the North West During the Second World War
Up Against the Brass
Statements of Religious Bodies on the Conscientious Objector
The Right to Conscientious Objection and the European Parliament
Conscientious Objectors: 1916 to the Present Day
Letters from China: Quaker Relief Work in Bandit Country 1944-46
Conscription of Conscience
Healing the Wounds
Forty Years and an Epilogue: An Autobiography (1881-1951)
Community Farm
Community in Britain
On Two Fronts: Letters of a Conscientious Objector
Indomitable Friend: Corder Catchpool 1883-1952
Conscience in America
A Cack-handed War
C.P.F.L.U.: A history of the Christian Pacifist Forestry and Land Units
Flower of the Dragon: the Breakdown of the US Army in Vietnam
Don't You Know There's a War on?: The People's Voice 1939-45
Decision by Default
All Bull: The National Servicemen
The Objectors: The personal story of five conscientious objectors
Soldier Soldier
Soul of a Skunk
Manifesto Against Conscription and the Military System
The Story of Conscription in Australia
Conscience and Liberty
'I Appeal unto Caesar': the case of the conscientious objector
War and Conscience in America
The Abolition of War: the 'Peace Movement' in Britain 1914-19
The Conscientious Objector and the Law
The Case for Pacifism and Conscientious Objection
Pacifism and Conscientious Objection
'Handed Over'
Records of Conscience
Hard Lines! And other stories, grave and gay
War and Conscience in South Africa: The Churches and Conscientious Objection
Penalties on Conscience: an examination of the defaulters' detention system in New Zealand
What about the CO?
The Men who Dared
Come Dungeons Dark: The Life and Times of Guy Aldred, Glasgow Anarchist
Plowing My Own Furrow
The Suffragette Movement
Friends Ambulance Unit
A C.O. in Prison
Up Against the War
They Did Not Fight - Will You?
Christadelphians and Military Service
Turning the Guns Around: Notes of the GI Movement
We won't go: Personal accounts of war objectors
The Citizen faces War
Conscription 1917
In the Service of their Community: War Resisters in Prison
Dissent & Ideology in Israel: Resistance to the Draft 1948-1973
The Abolition of War
War and Conscience in America
The Resistance
The Quakers on Peace and War
The Right to Refuse Military Service and Orders
Refusing to Kill
Standing up to be Counted
The Revolution in Post-War Family Casework: The Story of Pacifist Service Units and Family Service Units 1940-1959
The Right to Conscientious Objection in Europe
A Guide to Military Rights
Military Recruitment and Conscientious Objection: A Thematic Global Survey
The Right to Refuse Military Orders
Leadings of the Spirit
The Obligation to Disobey: Conscience and the Law
Refusing to Bear Arms
European Churches and Conscientious Objection to military service
Legal Problems of Conscientious Objection to Various Compulsions under British Law
Ordeal by Battle
We Will Not Fight
The Fortune
Everybody's Political What's What
Pierre Ceresole: Passionate Peacemaker
Testimonies of Conscience
Underdogs vs Upperdogs
Conscientious objectors, draft evaders and deserters from former Yugoslavia
The Hound of Conscience – a history of the No-Conscription Fellowship
Mission Rejected
The Conscientious Objectors before the Law
Study on the legal position of conscientious objectors in the member states of the Council of Europe
Community in Britain
Companions in Caring
Faith into Action
A Pacifist's War
Hearts Undefeated
Women in Walee
The Best Years of their Lives
International Voluntary Service for Peace 1920-46
The Healing of the Nations
You, You & You! – The People Out of Step with World War II
Parachutes and Petticoats: Welsh Women Writing on the Second World War
War Stories Our Mothers Never Told Us: Nine New Zealand women remember the Second Wold War
Faithful to Ourselves and the Outside World: York Quakers during the Twentieth Century
Yorkshire Friends in historical perspective: an introduction
Conscientious Objection - resisting militarized society